About Me

If you want to learn more about me, you’re in the right place. Read below to find out how to connect with me online, my story, and my hopes for the future.

Facebook Page

I regularly update my Facebook business page with relevant offers, tips, and newest blog posts.

YouTube Channel

I make a wide variety of videos around dieting, exercise, and strengthening both mind and body.

Instagram Account

I post photos as inspiration to myself and for others, as well as connect with followers.

X/Twitter Profile

I tweet and retweet the success of others and myself in our journey to being slowly slimmer.

My Journey

I am you and you are me. My story is probably similar to yours and hence you are here. I have had my ups and downs with my weight. When I was younger, it seemed easy to gain and lose, but now that I am a bit older, the balance has shifted and gaining is easy and losing less so. 

About Us
sweet tooth

I have an insatiable sweet tooth combined with a love of many fast and not-so-friendly foods. That taken together with a healthy dose of good stress, happy married life, and lots of time sitting at the computer, and I am in serious need of shedding some pounds and firming things up.  So, here I am.

Check out my blog for my perspectives!